The white tiger was the last animal I saw before I made my way to take the sky lift. This was another ticketing station for the sky lift. It was located right beside the sky lift station. Seoul Grand Park is huge. I'm a bit tired from all the walking so I decided to take the sky lift down to the entrance. |
I didn't have time to think. I was seated before I knew it. |
Starting to have second thought as I was lifted off the ground! (@_@) |
I could feel my legs going weak and my fingers trembling as I took up my camera to capture the scenery below...Yeah...I'm terrified of heights but I still wanna take pictures! Can't believe myself... |
My friends said I was asking for trouble when I told them I took the sky lift. They were right. This was the exact sentence that came to my mind when I was up there... |
Going down was worse but I tried to calm myself by not looking down too often. However, that was quite impossible becos' the scenery below was great!! Taking the sky lift enables one to get an overview of the whole place. Hahahahaaa...so contradicting of me! |
You are probably thinking that I am exaggerating. Well, for people who are afraid of heights will understand how I felt. Actually, the sky lift moved in a slow and steady manner. Ascending and descending was very gradual. I felt much ashamed of myself when I saw children on the opposite direction sitting with their legs crossed or having the seats tilted to one side. I told myself to stay calm and it will be safe since children can sit like this. In my own opinion, one should try the sky lift. It is really worth it even though I am scared of heights. Go for the one way ride at least ^^ |
I thought the sky lift would bring me across the lake and was crossing my fingers to it. However, the sky lift stopped at another station just before the lake. Strangely, I felt relieved but at the same time, I was hoping to take the sky lift to get across the lake becos I was feeling tired. Hahahaaa...contradicting thoughts again! I think one can still buy a ticket for the sky lift across the lake becos I saw a ticketing station at the sky lift station. Don't ask me why I didn't buy another ticket. I simply moved on. |
Strolling under the canopy of cherry blossoms makes dating so so romantic! |
I was still feeling very full from my heavy breakfast at Butterfinger but I wanted to munch on something! Bought this from the convenient store outside Seoul Grand Park. Ermm..it was only now that I realised that this box of baked potato has 403 calories!!! I finished the entire box!!!!
Guilty but this was yummy. Hur Hur |
Personally, I felt Seoul Grand Park is a must to drop by especially during such beautiful season. Its cheap and one can easily spent half a day here. I took about 3 hours to walk around the place but it would probably be longer if you come with friends or family ^^ Next stop will be 창경궁 Changgyeonggung.
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