I headed out to Jeju Bus Terminal after I left my bags at the apartment. I took a taxi at 1.40pm and reached the bus terminal at 1.46pm. Taxi fare was 4100won. |
Jeju bus routes have changed a lot and this information counter which was right outisde the terminal was really useful to me ^^ |
Boarded bus no.282 at 2pm. |
To get to Andeok Valley from Jeju Bus Terminal, I need to change a bus. Bus no. 282 reached this bus stop, "창천리 Changcheon-ri" at 2.50pm. Alight at this bus stop and walk straight.
As you walk straight for about 1 min, you will see this turn with a mini mart on the right.
Turn right.
Turn right and continue to walk stright. |
That's the bus stop to take bus no, 202 to get to Andeok Valley. It took around 3 mins to walk from bus stop, "창천리 Changcheon-ri" to reach this bus stop, "창천초등학교 Changcheon Primary School". |
Bus stop, "창천리 Changcheon-ri". |
I like the fact that there will be a voice announcement on the bus arrival just before the bus arrived. Although it was in Korean but it served as a reminder especially to those who are using the phone. |
I got on bus no. 202 at 3.09pm and reached the bus stop, "안덕계곡 Andeok Valley" at 3.12pm. |
Bus stop, "안덕계곡 Andeok Valley". |
Cross the road and enter Andeok Valley from there(as shown by the arrow). |
Enter the valley from here. |
I think one can get out of the valley using that stairs but I did not try it. |
I came out from the same way. Time to go back. |
No need to cross the road for return trip back to Jeju Bus Terminal. Walk about 2 mins to reach this bus stop, "안덕계곡 Andeok Valley". |
Here comes bus no. 202 back to bus stop, "창천초등학교 Changcheon Primary School". |
Screen on bus no.202. |
Alight at bus stop,"창천초등학교 Changcheon Primary School" and walk to bus stop, ""창천리 Changcheon-ri" as shown by the arrow. |
This bus stop was located just after a turn, one can easily miss the bus if it just went by without stopping. The voice announcement system just before the bus arrived really help to enable one to keep a lookout for their bus. |
These hallabongs were just next to the bus stop!
Omgg...I was so tempted to take one to try lol
I did not of course >_<
I got on bus no. 282 at 4.22pm and reached Jeju Bus Terminal at 5.24pm..
The bus stop circled in red was the bus stop, where I first got off - "창천리 Changcheon-ri". The bus stop opposite (circled in Blue) was the bus stop where I took bus no 282 back to Jeju Bus Terminal for my return trip.
I walked from "창천리 Changcheon-ri" bus stop to bus stop, "창천초등학교 Changcheon Primary School" (Bus stop no. 1 circled in red) as shown by the red dotted line for bus no. 202 to Andeok Valley.
I got off at bus stop,"안덕계곡 Andeok Valley" (Bus stop no. 2 circled in red) as shown by the red arrow.
The bus stop for the return trip to take bus no. 202 as shown by bus stop no, 2 circled in Blue. Get off at bus stop no,1 circled in Blue and walk to bus stop, "창천리 Changcheon-ri" as shown by the Purple dotted line. Hope this is not too confusing to you lol
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