Finally, I decided to try cooking 곤드레밥, Gondeure Bap (
Korean Thistle Bap) again today.
Few years back I tried once but it was not very successful :(
I succeed this time!
It was a simple but delicious meal!
And mum said, "Your rice tasted very nice leh."
She was surprised cos she still remembered my Gondeure Bap did not taste nice back then lol
I still remembered back then she said, "Not nice one, Don't cook this again".
With my success this time, I can cook Gondeure Bap more often!
Yayy ~~~
Ah yes..I like Gondeure Bap ^^

I also followed Aeri for her recipe on the sauce but I added chopped 청양고추 Cheongyang Gochu for some spiciness.