Sunday 15 February 2015

4 Dec 2014 - Revisit to 남이섬 종합휴양지 Nami Island and 쁘띠프랑스 Petite France

The itinerary for the day was a day trip to 남이섬 종합휴양지 Nami Island and 쁘띠프랑스 Petite France. I visited both places in 2012. Ok anyway, we took the ITX and reached Gapyeong Station at 8.55am. Actually, I don't feel like talking about this day trip since its a repetition. Changed my mind becos I wanted to share about the Gapyeong City Tour. Taking the Gapyeong City Tour was a bit different from the previous trip. Previously, I took the city tour bus from the bus stop opposite Gapyeong stationThis time however, the city tour bus stopped right outside the Tourist Information Centre, ie need not cross the road. Kim and I were waiting at the bus stop opposite Gapyeong Station and saw a bus that looked liked the city tour bus stopping outside the Information Centre. We stared at it for a good 5 mins before approaching it. Fortunately, the city tour bus waited for slightly more than 5 mins before driving off at 9.14pm. Otherwise, we could have missed the bus without realising. Morale of the story?  Be observant. And so, we reached the first stop, Nami Island about 5 mins later. 

 Saw this on the ferry.
We reached the island at 9.58am.
My god....It was.........super ....duper.....freaking.....cold.........................
안녕 little one ^^
Soooo cute!!

I miss you so much that I came back mainly becos of you ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Yay ^^
So happy!!!
Kim and I felt it was way too cold to stay on the island and decided to move on to Petite France.  We took the ferry back to the main land at 11.20am. It was only 11.36am when we reached the city tour bus stop. The next city tour bus will only arrive at 12.15am. We decided not to waste time waiting for the bus and took a cab instead. It was 11.38am when we got on the cab. Starting fare was 3000won. We reached Petite France at 11.57am. Cab fare was 18000 won.
Our lunch.
There was not much option for lunch in Petite France ㅠㅠ
The restaurant/bistro seemed to be closed and meant for staff only.

떡볶이 Tteokbokki was so so....오뎅 Odeng was so so....

New place?
We reached 5 mins after the play/show started.
괜찮아. We weren't planning to watch it anyway.
Again, I don't find Petite France interesting.
 Just wanna show Kim how the place looks like.
Kim felt the same as me.
We left an hour later.
Took the city tour bus from the bus stop across Petite France.
Got on the bus back to Gapyeong Station at 1.52pm.
We were not hungry and passed the chance to try 닭갈비 Dakgalbi in Chuncheon. Nevermind its ok, said Kim. I bought our ITX tickets before our trip. So since we were early, I approached the office at Gapyeong station to see if we can change to a earlier timing back to Seoul. Yup, there were seats available and we also managed to get seats on the upper deck ^^ 

For your luggages ^^

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