Sunday 29 December 2013

18 Oct 2013 - 햄 토스트 for breakfast

I stumbled upon this Isaac Toast outlet at a hidden corner near the guest house few nights ago.
So happy when I saw it ^^
Therefore, breakfast for the day was Isaac Toast ㅋㅋㅋ
Business was good when I went there on two occasions during my trip.
I think its close on Sunday becos it was closed when I passed by on a Sunday.
  1. 계란 토스트 Egg Toast 
  2. 야채 토스트 Vegetables Toast 
  3. 햄 토스트 Ham Toast 
  4. 치즈 토스트 Cheese Toast 
  5. 햄 치즈 토스트 Ham Cheese Toast
  6. 스페셜 토스트 Special Toast (No idea how special is this ㅋㅋㅋ)
  7. 베이컨 토스트 Bacon Toast
  8. 베이컨 치즈 토스트 Bacon Cheese Toast
  9. 베스트 토스트 Best Toast (What is their Best Toast???)
  10. 스테이크 토스트 Steak Toast
  11. 스테이크 치즈 토스트 Steak Cheese Toast
  12. VIP 토스트 VIP Toast (What is VIP Toast??)
  13. 핫치킨 토스트 Hot Chicken Toast
  14. 핫치킨치즈 토스트 Hot Chicken Cheese Toast
  15. 핫치킨 야채 토스트 Hot Chicken Vegetables Toast
  16. 핫치킨MVP 토스트 Hot Chicken MVP Toast (Isaac Toast has many different versions of MVP toasts and I wonder what is MVP?)
  17. 불갈비토스트 Bulgalbi Toast 
  18. 불갈비치즈 토스트 Bulgalbi Cheese Toast
I stick to my 햄 토스트 ham toast ㅎㅎㅎ
Becos I preferred to keep it simple.
I made a mess when there are too many ingredients ㅎㅎㅎ
Moreover, I can taste their "magic sauce" better with minimum ingredients ^^

I think the egg is a standard ingredient for the toasts becos I did not mention Ham and Egg Toast. 

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